Dismissal & Termination of employment
An employee’s employment may be terminated for various legal reasons.

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Dismissal & Termination of employment
An employee’s employment may be terminated for various legal reasons. However, there are also a number of reasons why the termination of the employment contract may be deemed to be unfair or may amount to constructive dismissal.
For example, should an employee resign from their job due to the employer’s behaviour, this may be deemed by Scottish Courts to be constructive dismissal. Contact our specialist employment law solicitors in Glasgow on 0141 673 1538 for advice in this area.
Settlement Agreements Scotland
Settlement Agreements can be useful instruments whenever an employment dispute has to be resolved or where a contract of employment is to be terminated. Settlement Agreements must be well drafted to represent your best interests.
Employment Law Solicitors in Glasgow
Based in Glasgow our specialist employment law solicitors advise both employees & employers on all aspects of employment law. To discuss termination of employment or compromise agreements please click here or telephone 0141 673 1538 today.