Powers of Attorney for the Elderly
We recommend to all of our clients that they sign a Power of Attorney in favour of someone that they trust to manage their affairs properly, in the event that they cannot do so themselves. This is particularly important for those of advancing years.

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Power of Attorney Solicitors Scotland
A Power of Attorney will ensure that your financial affairs will be looked after by the person you want and will help to keep decisions about your welfare in their hands rather than decisions having to be taken by the Social Work Department.
Social Workers have difficult and stressful jobs and often the pressures they are under mean that clients feel they are being pressurised into accepting a situation that they are not happy with. This is, more often than not, simply remedied by having someone you have chosen available to ensure that your wishes are heard.
Attorneys are usually family members or close friends but often there is no one suitable and in those circumstances we are happy to take on the responsibility and will make sure that we know your wishes for the future so that we can do our best to make sure they are fulfilled.
Based in Glasgow, Scotland, we provide power of attorney advice and drafting services for elderly people across Scotland.
Contact our Power of Attorney Solicitor in Glasgow
To find out how our lawyers can help you put in place a Power of Attorney, or to arrange a consultation with one of the top Power of Attorney experts in Glasgow, please complete our online enquiry form or contact us on 0141 248 3456.