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Blog+ from r+c

Unfair Contract Terms are Costly for Small Businesses
Over half (52%) of small firms have been stung by unfair contract terms with suppliers, costing nearly £4 billion in the last three years, according to new

Marriage Take-Up Low amongst Low Income Families
Recent research by pro-marriage think-tank Marriage Foundation has revealed that the so-called ‘marriage gap,’ the difference in marriage take up between the poorest and richest households, is

Value of Homes Rise by £21 a Day
The value of homes in Great Britain increased by £21.07 a day on average during the first six months of 2016, according to recently published

Housing Market to Slow Down but not Plummet Following Brexit
Despite the uncertainty caused by the Brexit decision, house prices still look likely to increase by 5.7% on average during 2016, according to the Centre for Economic

Father Receives Compensation over Lack of Contact with Daughter
A father from Poland has been awarded compensation after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Poland had breached Article 8 of the Convention

Decline in Global M&A Activity
There has been a significant drop in both the volume and value of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the first half of 2016, according to information