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Blog+ from r+c

Remortgages in Scotland Reach Seven Year High
The number of remortgages taken out by homeowners in Scotland reached 8,700 in the first quarter of this year, which is a 6.1% increase over the same

Supreme Court Hears Contested Divorce Case
On 17th May the UK’s Supreme Court heard the case of Owens v Owens, a contested divorce case that has been brought to the Supreme Court on appeal from

Public Sector Suppliers Hit by Late Payments
Many small firms are being put at risk by the poor payments practices that exist within public sector supply chains. This is according to new data published

ECHR Gives Decision in Challenging Paternity Case
The European Court of Human Rights has recently given its ruling in an interesting case concerning a man’s right to contest the paternity of a child. The

Increase in Take up of Invoice Finance and Asset-Based Lending
New figures released by UK Finance have revealed a 5% increase in invoice finance and asset-based lending in 2017, taking the total to £23.4 billion

Mortgages More Affordable in Scotland than Rest of UK
New research by Bank of Scotland has revealed that homeowners in Scotland pay a fifth (20%) of their disposable income towards their mortgage each month. This proportion has almost