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Blog+ from r+c
House hunters looking to escape to the country
As we had indicated we believed was likely to be the case in a blog last month, we can confirm that Estate agents are reporting an increase
Premium paid for property in top school areas
It is always interesting to see how different factors can affect property prices. Some data has now produced which shows that parents hoping to send
MSP raises concerns over COVID-19 impact on home movers
Aberdeenshire West MSP Alexander Burnett warns some movers may have bought new homes but been unable to sell their old ones before lockdown measures were
Unfortunately, the closure of courts, to all but essential business, has effectively halted the winding-up of estates for the last month. The back-log is already substantial and
Company updates affected by Coronavirus
Companies House have announced that they are going to temporarily pause their striking off process to prevent companies being dissolved for failing to submit an
Potential boom in rural conveyancing
The Corona Virus pandemic is likely to spark a boom in rural living, with working from home and multi-generational families becoming more common. Researchers believe